Figure 1 - Radio from Ford / Nissan
If you have a radio like the one pictured above and
would like to add a direct connection for an iPod, MP3 player, satellite
Radio receiver, etc., then we have the solution for you.
Here is what you will need...

Figure 2 - Adaptor - Axxess Model AIP-FD20-20
I've been using this set up for over a year and I love
it. I actually bought my adaptor at Circuit City when they were still
an actual store, but now with their absence, I see that you can still order
the adaptor online from various locations...just Google "AIP-FD20-ID" and
you will get a list of sources. The prices range from about $25 on Ebay to
as high as $110...find a place you are comfortable with ordering from, and
go from there. I gave about $70 back at Circuit City when they had their
stores...so that should give you a realistic price point to shot from.
If you bought one of these Axxess adaptors and had it
"professionally" installed by Circuit City and now you don't have steering
wheel controls (and they probably said you can't have both), then these are
the instructions to use to get your steering wheel controls functional again
AND have your iPod / Aux adaptor (You'll only need the item #4 pictured
below, in Figure 3, a small jeweler's screwdriver).

Figure 3 - Tools Needed for the Job
1. DIN Removal Tools (Available at most auto parts
stores or Wal-Mart for about $4-$8...or see the instructions available at
www.shareamemory.com/radio/removal.htm on how to remove the radio from
the dash)
2. 7mm Nut Driver
3. Electrical Tape
4. Small Jeweler's screwdriver
5. Scissors
With the above tools and the adaptor, all you will
need is the instructions. These are the most complete and detailed
instructions to date...you should enjoy the complete step by step pictures
and the added details of how to work with one of the connectors so that you
will have steering wheel controls (if you already have that functionality).
This instructions won't disappoint you with their detail and ease.
If you have had one of these Axxess Adaptors installed
by a "professional" and lost the use your steering wheel controls, you will
want these instructions to get you back with your steering wheel controls.
If you are aching to play your iPod or MP3 player in
your vehicle with a static laden FM modulator, then these step by step
instructions with detailed pictures will walk you through the complete
To get these repair instructions, submit $19.99 via
PayPal using the icon below and you'll get a unique username and password to
access these instructions.
$19.99 for these Repair Instructions on
the iPod / Aux Adaptor Installation Instructions
Your login and password will be immediately sent to the email address that is
registered with your PayPal account. If this is not the proper email address
you want the login and password sent to, please send a note with the proper
email address, however, there will be a delay as the email will have to be
manually processed. If you want to avoid any delay, make sure your PayPal
email address is correct.
If you realize that it was not current when you
confirmed your PayPal contribution, please send me an
email (dharrison@AnyoneCanFixIt.com)
NOTE: Microsoft's Outlook
Express is sometimes set not to allow viewing of attachments due to security
issues (this may have been set automatically without your knowledge by
Microsoft). If you are unable to read the attachment that is automatically
sent to you once you donate via PayPal (or you do not see an email reply
within 10 minutes), try this: In Outlook Express click Tools, Options,
Security and uncheck the box by "Do not allow attachments to be saved or
opened that could potentially be a virus". You may re-enable this once you
have the chance to get your login and password from the email attachment that
is sent.Or, if you don't use PayPal,
then your payment can be sent to:
Absolute Technologies, Inc.
iPod / Aux Adaptor Installation Instructions
PO Box 601
Holly Springs, NC 27540
Please include your email address
so that your access can be emailed to you.
Link for Access
If you have already paid for your access, here is the link
to access the repair instructions (you must have the username and password that
was set up for you...you should have gotten this in an email upon receipt
of payment):